Find answers to common questions about how Zegeba can benefit your operations.

How does Zegeba work?

Zegeba is a streamlined and intuitive platform that facilitates data capture, processing, distribution, and analysis. It allows companies to transition from paper to a digital format, even for employees who are not digitally savvy. The platform is scalable, enabling companies to start small and expand as needed.

What are the benefits?

Zegeba offers extreme quality and efficiency gains, better processes and data, increased competitiveness, and higher earnings. It reduces time spent on administrative tasks and coordination, leading to improved efficiency in operations.

Who are Zegeba's customers?

Zegeba is trusted by enterprise customers like Kongsberg, Vard, Archer, and Inmarsat. These companies rely on Zegeba for their day-to-day operations and report significant improvements in quality and efficiency.

Is Zegeba customizable?

Yes, Zegeba is a unique platform that customers can configure for their specific needs without any coding. It offers flexibility and adaptability to meet the requirements of different industries and businesses.

How can I get started?

To get started with Zegeba, simply contact our team and we will guide you through the process. We offer personalized assistance to ensure a smooth transition and successful setup.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.